Issue 51

Issue 51 Summer is coming along well and I’m off on vacation. There’s usually a ”summer album” being released that have a lot of feel good vibes but can’t say I’ve found that one this year. What I’ve found though, is one of my new favourite up and coming artist: Octavian. This british MC has …


50th Newsletter This is the 50th newsletter I’m sending out! Feels kind of crazy. While my passion for hip hop is as big as when I started out, the time spent on this newsletter might not be at the same level. But… I feel I’ve set it all up now with website, newsletter and blog …


One can’t deny that other genres has been greatly influenced by hip hop. The trap beats are to be found in a lot of major pop songs today. The background instrumentals, the sampling, the rapping(!) even – all of this has moved into almost all other genres that are popular on radio today. One can …