We have a few partner pages with friends that we work with. First and foremost, it’s myself, the founder of Franklins Weekly, William Bengtsson and I’m a product designer from Stockholm, Sweden. I design user interfaces, user experiences for apps, websites, products and more. Feel free to visit my portfolio over at https://williambengtsson.se
Another partnership is with my brother, Melker Bengtsson. He’s developing websites and applications that contribute to your business with WordPress and Laravel. He strives to get you top quality code and a maintainable site or app. But what sets him apart is that he consider your business and objectives to make your site a champion working tirelessly to achieve your goals. You can read more about him at his portfolio over at https://melker.io/
Another partnership is with my family’s business in Sweden. This following text is in swedish: Spond är Sveriges starkaste specialist på glas från Reijmyre Glasbruk. Vi är verksamma över hela Sverige och säljer till såväl privatpersoner som till företag. Har du förfrågan på produkter från Reijmyre utöver de vi har i webbutiken är du välkommen att kontakta oss, vi kan specialtillverka produkter och beställer du stora kvantiteter kan vi erbjuda specialpriser. Konsumentköplagen gäller för alla beställningar. Alla priser i webbutiken är i svenska kronor inklusive moms, frakt tillkommer. Basically, we sell handmade glass. Read more about it over at our website here: https://spond.se/om-spond/
To discover more about Franklins weekly, in case you haven’t read anything from us yet, here’s one of our many blog posts writing about hip hop: https://blog.franklinsweekly.com/2020/01/12/issue-57/ or here
If you feel you can bring anything to Franklins Weekly and collaborate or partner up to help us grow, please feel free to get in touch by mailing us. Find our contact page at the bottom of our start page at: www.franklinsweekly.com